Thursday, July 31, 2008

吉宝置业下半年 有望推出777单位公寓

(2008-07-31)   吉宝置业(Keppel Land)有望在下半年当房地产市场气氛好转时,推出包括Marina Bay Suites以及Reflections at Keppel Bay第二阶段等项目在内的总共777个单位。  吉宝置业总裁黄景祥昨日在集团上半年业绩发布会上表示,由于房地产市场上半年趋于疲软,集团延后推出了本地的几个项目,而下半年将继续密切关注市场走势,并预计可以推出Marina Bay Suites以及Reflections at Keppel Bay第二阶段等其他主要住宅项目。
他说,集团拥有业务的这些海外市场目前面临的问题是短期的,这将为集团在这些国家进一步扩大业务提供机会,但也将采取小心谨慎的做法。  对于未来的增长,黄景祥指出,吉宝置业将会留意本地和海外市场的收购机会,并在中东和俄罗斯等新的市场开拓商机。

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

財報-購併支出拖累 SAP第2季獲利降9% 仍優於預期

鉅亨網編譯吳國仲‧綜合外電2008 / 07 / 29 星期二 16:50 寄給朋友 友善列印 德國軟體公司 SAP AG(SAP-US;716460-DE)周二表示,第 2季獲利雖因收購Business Objects一案而下滑9%,但軟體與相關服務的營收卻優於預估。 該商用軟體業者表示, 6月30日為止的一季,淨利自去年同期的4.49億歐元降為4.08億歐元(6.424億美元)。整體營收方面,上升18%為28.6億歐元;軟體與相關服務之營收更大增21%至20.6億歐元。
此前,分析師預估SAP的軟體與相關服務營收為 20億歐元、整體營收27.9億歐元以及淨利3.72億歐元。
SAP同時表示, 2008年度營收可望達到預估區間的上限。依目前成長速度計算,SAP今年度(非公認會計準則)軟體與相關服務營收—公司獲利指標—將攀升24-27%。
剔除Business Objects併購案的負面影響後,全年營業利潤率(operating margin)亦將達到成長28.5-29%之預估上限。
SAP 周一股價收低0.9%至 33.95歐元,表現略優於大盤。

軌道房開始“繳械” 滬上樓市盤整加劇

來源:新民網2008 / 07 / 29 星期二 13:27 寄給朋友 友善列印 【新民網‧商業報導】萬科樓盤的大幅降價引發了滬上開發商的集體拋盤,大量低價樓盤的集中入市使得上周房價跌至11717元/平方米的近20周新低。而作為滬上樓市最堅挺的軌道交通房,在樓市的進一步盤整期內,也不得不繳械,開始降價促銷。 房價再創新低


來源:國際金融報 2008 / 07 / 29 星期二 12:03 寄給朋友 友善列印 土地價格回落大於住宅 住宅地荒半年來,今年上海市場上第一幅純住宅用地浦東“森蘭.外高橋”終被新加坡仁恒集團收入囊中。7月25日下午,上海今年第一次成功公開掛牌轉讓純住宅用地,新加坡仁恒集團攜仁恒房地產以11.9億元人民幣(下同)的底價獲得了原屬外高橋股份的浦東東溝楔形綠地南塊居住區A1-1、A1-2地塊使用權。
國家發改委近日發佈的資料顯示,今年以來,全國土地價格回調明顯,以底價拿地的情況已經屢屢發生。 據悉,浦東“森蘭.外高橋”項目原屬外高橋(600648),首批總面積達到16萬平方米,出讓的土地屬於“森蘭?外高橋”專案南部國際社區,規劃容積率分別不大於1.6、1.7,地塊建設用地總面積為9.7073萬平方米,規劃總建築面積為15.8603萬平方米。是住宅地荒半年來上海市場上第一幅純住宅用地。
以地理位置而論,森蘭專案堪稱浦東地區另一個新江灣城。而外高橋也開始嘗試扮演土地運營商的角色。 外高橋獨家競買
記者還瞭解到,浦東已規劃在東溝、高橋、三林、高行、金張和北蔡一共開建五大楔形綠地,占地面積近6平方公里。計畫在今年建成的東溝楔形綠地目前最受關注,而其南部外高橋股份計畫建造國際社區森蘭?外高橋項目,此次轉讓兩幅地塊便位於該國際社區的西北角。 此前,外高橋股份有關負責人還曾透露,森蘭?外高橋是公司正式運作的第一個住宅項目,這也標誌著外高橋股份從做工業地產向開發住宅和商業地產的轉型,而此次轉讓土地是希望引進品牌開發商,先做熱市場,吸取經驗,然後再推出自己的品牌項目。


創20周新低 來源:東方早報2008 / 07 / 29 星期二 12:08 寄給朋友 友善列印 大量低價樓盤的集中入市使得上周房價跌至11717元/平方米的近20周新低。佑威房地產研究中心的最新報告顯示,上周(7.21-27)全市共有45批商品房(剔除動遷配套房,下同)上市,比前周多了14批,共推出了60.76萬平方米新房源,環比大幅上升了86%;其中,商品住宅的供應量幾乎是前周的1倍,達到46.57萬平方米。在新上市的樓盤中,很多專案的報價較之預期都有不同程度下降。 在新房供應大幅攀升的帶動下,上周新房的成交量也有所回升。佑威房地產研究中心的資料顯示,上周全市共成交商品房21.96萬平方米,環比微升3%;平均成交價格卻下降了12%,為11678元/平方米。其中,商品住宅的成交量回升了15%,為17.83萬平方米,平均成交價格受到低價樓盤上市成交的影響大幅下滑了15%,為11717元/平方米,創近20周來新低(3月3-9日那周為10929元/平方米)。

Less cash upfront but …

Posted on July 26, 2008 by lushhomeonline
More choice for home-buyers
HAD you $20,000 in cash to pay for the Cash-Over-Valuation (COV) component of a resale 4-room Housing and Development Board (HDB) flat, you would have better bargaining power now than in the last quarter of 2007.
Back then, you might just have been able to afford such a flat in far-flung areas such as Bukit Panjang, Chua Chu Kang, Jurong or Woodlands.
But between April and last month, you could have had choice pickings from locations such as Ang Mo Kio, Tampines or Hougang.
On Friday, second-quarter data from the HDB showed that even as resale prices rose by 4.5 per cent, the good news for home-buyers was that the median COV dipped to $20,000 - $1,000 lower than in Q1 and down from $22,000 in Q4 last year.
Reflecting strong demand that was a contrast to weakening sentiments in the private sector, the total number of HDB resale transactions grew 22 per cent to 7,760 in Q2.
Industry players attribute the dip in COV prices to the higher valuation of resale flats :(this is based on the previously transacted price of similar flats).
This has led to buyers being far less willing to pay inflated COVs which, last year, hit peaks of $80,000 to $100,000 in choice locations.
Still, rare exceptions stood out in the second quarter: The highest median COV of $93,000 for a five-room flat was recorded in Bukit Timah. And home-buyers were willing to pay a higher cash premium for three, four and five-room flats in Toa Payoh and Kallang/Whampoa.
In the latter area, five-room flat buyers paid some $38,000 in cash over valuation, which analysts attributed to the proximity to the CBD, riverside living and plans to transform it into a new lifestyle district with retail and entertainment facilities.
On the whole, demand in the resale market is coming “from up-graders, down-graders and permanent residents”, said ERA’s assistant vice president Eugene Lim.
At the same time, with there being hardly any surplus stocks - compared to five years ago when the HDB had 25,000 unsold flats - buyers have few choices if they do not want to wait for a new HDB flat to be built on demand.
But Mr Lim and Propnex chief executive Mohamed Ismail expect COVs to continue tapering, even if resale flat prices rise further.
Mr Ismail calls the situation a win-win one: Buyers do not have to fork out so much out of pocket, and sellers can still command a high price for their flats through valuation.
Source : Weekend Today - 26 Jul 2008

HDB resale market buoyant but upgrader effect still muted

Posted on July 26, 2008 by lushhomeonline
Resale price index very close to record high of Q41996; Q2 transactions up 22%

THE Housing and Development Board (HDB) has announced that its Resale Price Index rose by 4.5 per cent in Q2 2008 over the previous quarter and 8.4 per cent since Q4 2007.

The number of resale transactions also increased by 22 per cent quarter on quarter to hit 7,760 transactions.

On a half-yearly basis, a total of 14,120 transactions have been recorded so far, almost half of the 29,450 transactions for the whole of 2007.

The HDB Resale Price Index is now hovering very close to the all-time peak in Q4 1996, boosted by high resale prices in estates like Queenstown and Bukit Merah where the median price for five-room flats is now around $600,000.

But while a buoyant resale market can translate into a stronger HDB upgrader base, it may still be too early for developers to count on upgraders to prop up the private residential market.

DTZ executive director and regional head for consulting and research, Ong Choon Fah, said that HDB upgraders are ’still price-sensitive’.

According to DTZ’s analysis, HDB upgraders accounted for 28 per cent of all private homes bought in Q1 2008, up from 22 per cent in the preceding quarter.

However, in 1998, when private property prices bottomed out, HDB upgrader transactions peaked at 62 per cent of all private property transactions.

And when the property market tanked again in 2002, HDB upgraders went in to buy up to 59 per cent of all private property transacted.

While the numbers suggest that HDB upgraders still find private property too expensive, Mrs Ong also pointed that HDB does now offer a ’spectrum’ of property types to cater to more specific needs and price brackets.

Mrs Ong was referring to HDB’s new Design, Build and Sell Scheme flats which have been selling well.

Sources also say that the 578-unit Park Central at AMK has received around 1,000 applications since its launch on June 23.

HDB has also launched a total of 4,524 new flats under the Build-To-Order (BTO) system for H1 2008.

ERA Asia Pacific assistant vice-president Eugene Lim points out that HDB upgraders tend to be those who sell their five-room or executive flats, and according to his analysis, this number has not increased significantly.

Five-room flats made up 26 per cent of all HDB resale transactions in Q2 2008, up from 25 per cent in the previous quarter while executive flats made up 9 per cent, up from 7 per cent quarter on quarter.

Four-room flats made up 37 per cent of all resale transactions, and Mr Lim also notes that the median price for this segment saw the highest increase by $15,000 to $300,000.

Mr Lim believes that the upgrader effect on the private property market could be curtailed by affordability too.

‘Most upgraders will be looking for properties in the $650-$750 psf bracket,’ he said.

Interestingly, the influx of new permanent residents (PRs) here has added to the demand for resale flats.

Mr Lim estimates that 20 per cent of buyers in the resale segment are PRs, up from 10-12 per cent a year ago.

However, whether PRs are partially responsible for the buoyant resale market is not known. HDB has not revealed the number of flats bought by PRs.

Perhaps a more interesting development is that the HDB Resale Price Index has begun to diverge from the private property price index, which grew by just 0.2 per cent in Q2 2008.

Still, most property consultants believe the chances of the two indices decoupling, to represent a disconnected private and public property markets, are remote.

Knight Frank director (research and consultancy) Nicholas Mak also highlights that between Q2 2002 and Q1 2004, prices of private homes fell, while HDB resale prices increased.

During this period, both indices did, however, remain relatively flat.

Mr Mak does believes that any divergence in price trends, if any, will only last for a few quarters before a correlation is re-established.

He added: ‘Both private and public sectors do relate to the same macro-economic factors.’

DTZ’s Mrs Ong also said that both sectors are linked by the ’substitutional effect’.

‘If prices are too high in the private housing market, buyers will shift to the public housing market,’ she added.

She also noted that significant shifts in price movements only tend to follow changes in housing policy and related spheres like Central Provident Fund.

Savills Singapore director (marketing and business development) Ku Swee Yong believes that HDB upgraders will eventually return to ‘lend strong support’ to the private property market, citing the interest, if not the take-up, in new mass-market launches like Livia and Clover by the Park as examples.

Source : Business Times - 26 Jul 2008

Record 13,400 homes to be completed next year

Posted on July 27, 2008 by lushhomeonline
Next year is likely to be a bad one for landlords.

A bumper crop of newly completed homes is scheduled to flood the market, making more apartments available for rent and pushing down rents, which saw record rises last year.

And with lower rents, private home prices - which industry observers say have reached their peak - may drop further, especially those in the prime districts.

A massive 13,399 new private homes will be ready for occupation next year. This is double the average in recent years and the most in a single year, according to property consultancy CB Richard Ellis (CBRE).

Official supply numbers show 10,500 completions next year and 11,800 the year after, but CBRE’s analysis, based on construction progress and delays, reveals more completions next year.

It expects this new supply to depress rents by 5 to 10 per cent on average next year, coming on top of a
global economic slowdown that might lead firms to hire fewer expatriates, the main source of tenants.

In the prime areas, rents could slide up to 15 per cent next year, on top of a decline that has already begun this year, predicted CBRE.

Popular rental areas such as the East Coast and Orchard will be among the worst hit as keen demand for homes there in recent years led developers to build aggressively.

An ‘alarming’ 3,341 new homes will be completed in the East Coast next year, double the number this year, CBRE said. Major projects in the area, which covers Katong and Marine Parade to Bedok and Changi, include the 562-unit One Amber and the 556-unit Casa Merah.

In the prime districts 9, 10 and 11, some 4,240 homes will be ready in areas such as Orchard, Holland, River Valley, Tanglin and Newton. RiverGate, with 545 units, is the biggest condominium scheduled to open its doors.

Suburban areas will also see a large jump in finished homes next year. In the north and north-west, for example, there will be 10 times more than this year.

But this is unlikely to result in a glut or lower rents as most suburban home buyers intend to occupy their units.

Property experts warn that many major prime projects to be ready this year and next are those that had attracted investors rather than owner-occupiers, which means their units will add to the rental supply.

‘Some big condos in the downtown areas have a higher proportion of investors,’ said Mr Colin Tan of property firm Chesterton International. These include the 1,111-unit Sail @ Marina Bay, which will be fully completed by the end of this year, and the 312-unit Clift in McCallum Road, expected next year.

‘We don’t even have to wait for the 14,000 homes next year; rents are already moderating and should come down in the third quarter,’ he said, adding that landlords are lowering their asking rentals.

He cited the case of The Sea View in Amber Road, whose 546 units were completed this year. ‘I asked someone there, how are the rents? He said: ‘I’m not sure really, there’s no demand’.’

This will be welcome news for renters, who have had to face ever-increasing rents over the last two years.

Rents have shot up 60 per cent on average since 2006 and even doubled in some places, thanks to an influx of expats and a shortage of rental homes.

For example, in Cuscaden Residences in the Tanglin area, a typical 1,485 sq ft unit could fetch $9,200 in monthly rents last year, from about $6,500 in 2005. This year, it has fallen to $8,100, according to recent reports. Next year, it could fall by another 10 per cent to $7,300, if CBRE’s predictions come true.

Entrepreneur Sebastien Dechamps, 29, who came here from France three years ago and started a website for expatriates, said high rents have seen more expatriates moving away from the city to places in the north and the east.

‘The fall in rental prices is definitely good news. It might encourage expats to move to the city, which is great because they can put more vibrancy back into the city and into its nightlife,’ he said.

A fall in rentals generally leads to a fall in home prices for two reasons: landlords, less able to service their mortgages, are willing to let go of their units more cheaply, while would-be investors will only pay as much as a home can fetch in rents.

The supply situation is not likely to improve beyond 2010: The latest official data shows that apart from the 21,000 or so homes to be completed over the next two years, there are another 20,000 homes scheduled to be built in 2011.

But Savills Singapore’s director of business development and marketing, Mr Ku Swee Yong, is still optimistic.

He expects higher than average housing demand during ‘the next few years of growth’, and believes that after accounting for demolitions of collective sale estates, the ‘net supply should be balanced by demand’.

Source : Sunday Times - 27 Jul 2008

Older landed homes now within reach

Posted on July 27, 2008 by lushhomeonline
Owning a landed property may feel like a distant dream for some after the prices of such homes surged significantly last year, but the dream may not be as distant as it seems.
If one looks hard enough in suburban locations, such homes can be found for as little as $800,000.
The good news for potential buyers is that price growth in landed homes is slowing in line with the general market.
Indeed, suburban bungalows and terrace houses have already registered a drop in prices, according to data from Savills Singapore.
For instance, in the second quarter, prices of suburban terrace houses dropped 6.8per cent to an average price of $605 per sqft, compared with a 2.4per cent rise in the first quarter.
Overall, official data from the Urban Redevelopment Authority on Friday showed that landed home prices rose 0.6per cent in the second quarter, down from a rise of 3.9per cent in the first three months of the year, and 23.4per cent for the whole of last year.
While the downward growth trend may continue, landed home prices are at least supported by a limited supply of such homes and a relatively illiquid market, market watchers say.
As more houses are being converted into apartment blocks, landed homes could become rarer in 15 years’ time, says the director of Savills Residential, Mr Ku Swee Yong.
He foresees an annual rise of at least 5per cent in the general landed home market in the next three years even as growth slows.
What to look out for
Those with a small budget of around $800,000 should check out locations such as the MacPherson area, or Jalan Hari Raya in the Thomson area, according to Mr Eugene Lim, assistant vice-president of ERA Asia-Pacific.
Those with a slightly bigger budget of around $1million might like to consider older, 99-year leasehold landed homes in Paya Lebar, Hougang and Rifle Range Road.
They could also look at the terrace houses in Choa Chu Kang, Kallang, Pasir Ris, Sengkang, Sembawang and Toa Payoh, or semi-detached homes in Jurong West.
A 2,399sqft terrace unit in Pasir Ris Heights, for example, was sold for $870,000 last month, while a bigger 3,674sqft unit in the same area went for $818,000 in April.
Generally, though, landed homes below $800,000 are few in number, are likely to be very old and are often single-storey terrace houses. Buyers would likely need to spend money on renovation, said Mr Lim.
With older homes, potential buyers should pay particular attention to the structure and look for signs of leakage, he said.
But even if a buyer has money set aside for renovation, said experts, he may find it tough securing a contractor, as the construction sector is stretched in the current market.
Aside from location and the cost of renovation, buyers should also consider the shape of the site on which the house sits.
‘Odd-shaped land means there is less effective land area for built-up space, and that compromises on space maximisation as well as the prospect for redevelopment or even sub-division,’ said the head of KF Property Network, Dr Tan Tee Khoon.
Fortunately, most houses sit on rectangular or square-shaped plots.
‘Other practical considerations include ensuring that there is no termite problem and that the property has no illegal extensions or erection of structures,’ he added.
Also, buyers typically want a landed home for their own use. Those buying for investment should note that landed homes are generally less attractive to tenants than condominium units because of the lack of facilities, said Savill’s Mr Ku. Many tenants also do not want to be bothered with maintaining a landed property.
Median rents for suburban terrace units have remained stable this year at $1.84 psf - the same median rent level for semi-detached houses in the second quarter. Median rents for surburban bungalows have fallen to $2.40 psf in the second quarter, from $2.67 psf in general.
‘In general, the lower rental value is reflected in the lower price on a per square foot basis. This is why landed prices are a laggard to the general market,’ said Mr Ku.

Beware extra costs
Generally, landed homes below $800,000 are few in number, likely to be very old, and are often single-storey terrace houses. Buyers would likely need to spend money on renovation.
Source : Sunday Times - 27 Jul 2008


( 2008/07/25 )抵押貸款市場的兩大支柱快要倒下,信貸危機最糟糕的階段可能已經來臨;中國的國有金融機構過於迫切地與華爾街打交道,可能會重蹈房利美和房地美的覆轍。
信貸危機最糟糕的階段可能已經來臨。美國抵押貸款市場的中流砥柱—— 房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac)正瀕臨破產邊緣。 兩家公司都是政府發起企業(GSE),而且它們規模如此之大,誰也不會想到它們會倒閉。因為一旦倒閉,美國住宅市場的資金流將被切斷。兩家公司業務合計佔據了美國抵押貸款市場的半壁江山。政府不得不對其展開救助。
危機並不會隨著這兩家機構瀕於破產和政府實施援救而結束,更多諸如地區性銀行的金融機構將會倒閉。例如,擅長經營抵押貸款的獨立國家房貸公司(Indy Mac Bank)曾為住宅市場繁榮貢獻過一臂之力。七月十一日,它卻被美國聯邦監管機構接管。它也是美國歷史上倒閉的第三大銀行。獨立國家房貸公司的破產可能會讓聯邦存款保險公司(FDIC)花費四○億美元至八○億美元,這可能超過FDIC五三○億美元存款保險金十%。事實上,美國聯邦政府可能會在近期對FDIC實施資本結構調整。有預測顯示,當前信貸危機造成的總體損失將達一兆美元。到目前為止,包括房利美和房地美估計損失在內,已經確認的損失高達五千億美元。
即便如此,華爾街的麻煩仍還未結束。貝爾斯登的倒閉並沒有給其他機構一個「免死金牌」,它們只是在美聯儲的支援下暫時倖免於難。數家華爾街機構可能已經岌岌可危,就像被判定為死亡的植物人。一年之後,華爾街倖存的機構將更少。美國財政部長鮑爾森已經宣佈,打算採取臨時穩定措施,並希望措施能獲得國會批准,以拯救房利美和房地美。臨時穩定措施,是通過為兩家公司提供政府擔保來維持其正常運營。投資者可以繼續購買房利美和房地美的債券以支援其運作,否則,美國住宅市場上將沒有流動性可言。其中一項臨時的穩 定措施,就是美聯儲將向兩家機構直接提供短期融資服務。而這意味著,美聯儲將通過印刷鈔票來拯救金融系統。最終,房地產價格下跌的損失會被貨幣化,並被轉移。
我確信,美聯儲將在十一月美國大選之後開始提高利率。由於擔心對經濟增長造成衝擊,利率的提升步伐在初期將是緩慢的,並希望能通過小幅度的利率提升嚇退石油投機者。在二○○九年下半年,美聯儲將意識到恐嚇戰術無效,並開始加快利率提升的步伐。預計聯邦基金利率在二○○九年底將提高至約五%的水平,對油價構成打壓。然而,為了推動經濟增長,美聯儲將在二○一○年再次降息,投機者也將捲土重來。美聯儲與投機者之間的博弈將延續多年,引發通脹出現類似二○世紀七○年代的波動。最終,美國政府將任命一位類似于保羅沃爾克(Paul Volker)這樣的鐵腕人物擔任聯儲主席。新主席將把利率提高至十%,徹底摧毀通脹和投機者。歷史將再次重演!

讓我們重新回到當前危機的討論中來。房利美和房地美與中國的國有銀行相似,它們依賴於政府支援來運作。房利美作為國家經營企業成立於一九三八年大蕭條時期,它主要支援數量眾多的地方儲蓄與貸款機構(Savings and Loans),後者為當地的城市居民購買住宅提供貸款。

Friday, July 25, 2008

債券大王Gross再唱衰美國經濟 預測房市崩潰將損失1兆美元

鉅亨網謝淑娟.綜合報導2008 / 07 / 25 星期五 14:10 寄給朋友 友善列印
《Bloomberg》 報導,「債券大王」Bill Gross再度看衰美國房市和經濟前景,預測美國房市崩潰,將令金融機構損失多達 1兆美元。24日同時公布的美國就業及房市數據明顯低於預期,有如附和 Gross的觀點。 美國上個月二手屋銷售量下跌2.6%,跌幅比市場預期多 1倍,創10年來最低。平均樓價為 21.51萬美元,比去年同期下滑6.1%。此外,美國上周新申請失業救濟的人數上升至40.6萬人,增加 3.4萬人,超過市場預期,創 3月以來最高;這些數據都加深了投資人對美國經濟的疑慮。
Gross 24日在旗下太平洋投資管理公司(Pacific Investment Management Co.) 的網站發表評論,談到房市和經濟前景。他指出,當前有多達 5兆美元的按揭貸款屬於「高風險資產類別」,認為因信貸危機導致的損失,目前浮現的應不及一半。
自2007年以來,全球金融機構已蒙受了4679億美元的撇帳和損失。 Gross表示,面對 1兆美元的撇帳損失,若金融機構未能取得足夠的注資,「只能出售資產、減少借貸,或兩者兼行;此情勢已開始影響美國經濟成長。」

債券大王Gross再唱衰美國經濟 預測房市崩潰將損失1兆美元

鉅亨網謝淑娟.綜合報導2008 / 07 / 25 星期五 14:10 寄給朋友 友善列印
《Bloomberg》 報導,「債券大王」Bill Gross再度看衰美國房市和經濟前景,預測美國房市崩潰,將令金融機構損失多達 1兆美元。24日同時公布的美國就業及房市數據明顯低於預期,有如附和 Gross的觀點。 美國上個月二手屋銷售量下跌2.6%,跌幅比市場預期多 1倍,創10年來最低。平均樓價為 21.51萬美元,比去年同期下滑6.1%。此外,美國上周新申請失業救濟的人數上升至40.6萬人,增加 3.4萬人,超過市場預期,創 3月以來最高;這些數據都加深了投資人對美國經濟的疑慮。
Gross 24日在旗下太平洋投資管理公司(Pacific Investment Management Co.) 的網站發表評論,談到房市和經濟前景。他指出,當前有多達 5兆美元的按揭貸款屬於「高風險資產類別」,認為因信貸危機導致的損失,目前浮現的應不及一半。
自2007年以來,全球金融機構已蒙受了4679億美元的撇帳和損失。 Gross表示,面對 1兆美元的撇帳損失,若金融機構未能取得足夠的注資,「只能出售資產、減少借貸,或兩者兼行;此情勢已開始影響美國經濟成長。」

分析師:原油熊市氣氛仍濃 未來一週最低下探117美元

鉅亨網謝淑娟.綜合報導2008 / 07 / 25 星期五 12:55 寄給朋友 友善列印 石油供應商表示,昨(24)日回補買盤令油價脫離近 2週低點,今(25)日上午,亞洲油價在 125美元左右不變;不過分析師認為,市場對需求的擔憂揮之不去,油價今日進一步上漲的可能性不大。 《XFN-ASIA》報導指出,油價高漲,加以美國經濟趨緩,市場擔憂將破壞石油的需求,使油價從本月新高 147美元大跌逾20美元。但技術性反彈,以及回補盤,推升昨日油價走強。
石油貿易諮詢公司Ritterbusch & Associates總裁 Jim Ritterbusch表示,過去一週市場大量拋售,顯示投資人對需求惡化相當關注。對此,投資人應對股市的下跌更加注意,而非匯市未來走勢。
鋻於油市熊市氣氛仍濃, Ritterbusch預計今日不會出現回補反彈。未來一周內,原油價格最低可能至一桶 117美元。
部份分析師認為,自 7月中旬以來,油價與其它商品市場的下跌,已使部份交易商對美元空頭倉位∕石油多頭倉位做出了一定的改變,致使美元兌日元創下單月新高。
石油供應商還說,美國昨日周四公佈的疲弱經濟數據,加上溫和的天氣預報,令天然氣期貨價格價下跌5%,將拖累油價。不過熱帶風暴 Dolly轉向南德克薩斯州,因此對原油、天然氣與燃油生產已幾乎不會造成任何影響。
儘管油價近期下跌,但由於中國等新興經濟體的需求,今年以來油價已上漲近 30%,為2002年的 6倍。
截至台北時間 12:30,紐約商品交易所 (NYMEX) 9月期貨價格上漲76美分,暫報126.25美元。倫敦布蘭特 (Brent) 9月原油期貨價格則上漲51美分,暫報126.95美元。


(2008-07-25) ● 胡渊文  由于油价和全球商品价格仍然居高不下,因此金融管理局今年第三次调高对全年通货膨胀率的预测,从5月份宣布的5%至6%,调高到6%至7%。
吉伟正表示,金管局会偏向维持现有的货币政策,因为前两轮政策收紧的滞后影响,也许已足够控制成本上涨的压力。  联昌国际的经济师宋生文认为,对金管局来说,保持现有政策是最合适的。他说,目前尚不需要通过收紧政策来刺激经济增长;另一方面,继续收紧政策也不可取,因为经济增长面临着走下坡的风险。

Slow demand for office space hits rents

Posted on July 25, 2008 by lushhomeonline

SINGAPORE’S booming office market is facing a drop in demand and a slowdown in rents that have left many wondering: What happens next, when a host of new developments are launched?
Tight supply and high demand, mostly from financial institutions, made Singapore the ninth most expensive office market in the world, ahead of rival Hong Kong, according to property consultant CB Richard Ellis. Rents nearly doubled on-year last year, after rising by more than 50 per cent in 2006.
The Government started boosting land supply two years ago, but a global financial crisis that has made companies increasingly cost-conscious, and the increase in supply, is sounding alarm bells for analysts.
“We are increasingly concerned about the risk of demand falling short of expectations,” Citigroup said in a report.
“The strong Singapore dollar, the high rental rates, the slowing economy and the uncertainties surrounding the financial industries are likely to put a lid on new demand for office space.”
Citigroup estimates that rents could fall 30% to 35% by 2011 as a host of new office buildings are expected to be ready for occupancy.
Singapore currently has 71 million square feet of office space, and is expected to add about 10 million by 2012.
Official second-quarter figures on office rents and occupancy aren’t out yet, but according to CB Richard Ellis, average prime and top classed Grade A office rents edged up just 0.8% and 0.6%, respectively, in the quarter over the previous three months. And even though Grade A office vacancies remained tight at less than 1%, the rate just outside the central business district rose to 7% from 4.6%.
Government figures for the first quarter of the year already show vacant office space in the island grew slightly over the previous three months, while the pace of rental increase has slowed considerably since the second half of last year.
While landlords, including real estate investment trusts, will obviously feel any pinch arising from lower rents, there could be a lag before the pain sets in.
According to Kim Eng analysts Wilson Liew, many property owners are still charging rents locked in years ago, which are probably still below market prices in the near future.
He estimates rents should fall to S$15 to S$16 per square foot over two to three years, from a current average rate of S$18.
Heavyweight real estate investment trust CapitaCommercial Trust, however, is less pessimistic about the near term, saying Wednesday that, because of tight supply, office rents should remain relatively stable over the next two years, although it still expects a decline in 2010 and hasn’t given estimates for 2011 - when the bulk of new supply will come online.
“Beyond that, it depends on what the take-up will be for the new buildings,” said Lynette Leong, chief executive of CapitaCommercial Trust Management, the trust’s manager.
Nobody is suggesting the market is in for a hard landing, but already, many companies that rent are beginning to reevaluate their leasing strategies.
That includes renting offices in Singapore’s suburbs to avoid the high rents and the space crunch of the business district, property consultancy DTZ said.
Citibank, DBS Group and Standard Chartered have all announced plans to expand or relocate some operations to a business park in Changi.
Source : Today - 25 Jul 2008

金融管理局將2008年通 膨目標由原估的5-6%調高到6-7%

新加坡位階相當於中央銀行的金融管理局將2008年通 膨目標由原估的5-6%調高到6-7%,但維持貨幣政策立 場不變,星元匯價應聲上漲。雖然預期通膨上升,但 金管局局長王瑞傑也強調經濟成長的風險,並研議新 的措施來限制本地金融產業的波動。新加坡6月通膨 率達7.5%,連續3個月維持在26年來高點。分析師表 示,金管局憂心經濟情勢,應不會在10月的下次會議 改變貨幣政策。

Thursday, July 24, 2008


財匯資訊提供,摘自:華爾街日報2008 / 07 / 24 星期四 15:10 寄給朋友 友善列印
美國國會(Congress)和布什政府週三承諾在未來幾天內頒布一項涉及內容廣泛的住房法令。這一法令旨在為面臨止贖的貸款者提供幫助,緩解金融市場的緊張情緒,令自大蕭條以來最惡劣的住房市場狀況得到改善。 美國眾議院週三下午以272比152的表決結果通過了一項住房法案,內容包括:為抵押貸款再融資提供3,000億美元聯邦貸款擔保的計劃,設立新的監管機構監督房利美(FannieMae)和房地美(FreddieMa),以及對聯邦住宅委員會(FederalHousingAdministration)進行重大改革。



來源:國際金融報2008 / 07 / 24 星期四 13:42 寄給朋友 友善列印 有大量的剛性需求客戶都在持幣觀望。他們對房價回調的希望導致其與上家在房屋價格上的僵持,減緩了成交速度,房價也因為這樣的成交萎縮而出現了不同程度的下降 今年二手房市場的成交量在繼三四月的少量回暖後,五六月連續下跌,7月達到淡季,其慘澹程度可能比預期的更為嚴重。這是記者從搜狐焦點房地產網舉辦的“四地經紀評點樓市論壇”上得到的資訊。在本次論壇上,上海三大房屋仲介公司漢宇地產、福美來不動產和九間伴不動產的總經理一同對今年上半年二手房市場做了盤點,並對下半年房市的走勢做了預測。





財匯資訊提供,摘自:證券時報2008 / 07 / 24 星期四 11:44 寄給朋友 友善列印 昨日在港股大盤急升607點的情況下,恆生地產股分類指數仍跑贏大市。主要是因為香港本地地產股全線造好,其中部分藍籌地產股表現更為搶眼,一些國際投行對地產股的長期走勢也持樂觀態度。

截至昨日收盤,恆指報23134.55 點,大升607.07點,漲幅2.3%,成交757.86億;恆生地產股分類指數漲2.8%,跑贏大市。



鉅亨網查淑妝‧台北綜合報導2008 / 07 / 24 星期四 11:58 寄給朋友 友善列印 英國首相布朗(Gordon Brown)22日在下議院表示,鑒於伊拉克治安狀況有所好轉,駐伊英軍的任務「在2009年上半年將發生根本性轉變」,暗示計劃屆時撤回大部分駐軍。儘管布朗並未明確撤軍的幅度,但《泰晤士報》23日報導說,駐伊英軍的規模可能減至200-300人。 中新網引述日本共同社報導,英國政府去年也曾提出過2008年春季撤回1500名駐伊軍隊的計劃,但由於 3月巴士拉戰局激化,該計劃被取消。布朗今後似乎也將考慮到美國總統選舉結果和12月伊拉克地方選舉後的治安狀況等因素,進行靈活處理。

力抗通膨 巴西央行施鐵腕 一舉升息3碼至13%

鉅亨網編譯吳國仲‧綜合外電2008 / 07 / 24 星期四 12:35 寄給朋友 友善列印 因擔憂國內通膨壓力與內需的持續強勁,巴西央行周三晚發布聲明表示,決策委員會無異議通過調升指標利率(Selic rate) 3碼(75基點),由12.25%升至13.00%。 央行委員會於會後聲明中表示:「取決於宏觀經濟之前景,並為了迅速平抑通膨至目標值內,Copom(指委員會) 無異議決定升息至13.00%。」
先前的兩次利率會議中,巴西央行已升息了 0.5個百分點(50基點),而此回升息當有進一步抑制通膨之效。
根據 Dow Jones Newswires訪問28位分析師所作調查,僅有12位預估將升息75基點,其餘則預估為升息50基點。
巴西 6月份官方IPCA通膨率年增 6.06%,儘管處於2.5-6.5%的目標區間內,但卻遠高於政府設定2008年底控制目標的4.5%。而分析師亦普遍認為,通膨展望將趨於惡化。
根據巴西央行最新的每周市場參與者調查指出,範圍廣及 100家金融機構的受訪者提高了2008年IPCA通膨率的平均預估至 6.53%,高於央行的目標區間。
因此,央行總裁Henrique Meirelles上周不得不作出表示,官員們已放棄於2008年成功抑制通膨,而將著眼於2009年目標的4.5%。他說:「本央行重申達成通膨目標的承諾,並將於必要時採取任何可行措施。」

健檢 人生最重要的1項投資

( 2008/07/23 )假設人生的價值,建立在財富數字的幾個「0」之上,那麼,健康絕對是那些「0」之前的關鍵數字「1」,沒有了健康,所有的財富只是無用的「0」。在強調理財觀念的今天,其實健康投資才是萬富之首,而預防重於治療,健檢更是健康投資的第一步。



( 2008/07/23 )股在歷經二千多點的修正後,底部呼之欲出,儘管仍有零星利空出現,但在不斷測試後,已蘊釀一波反彈行情。跌深的金融、電子、散裝航運,以及半年報數字亮麗的公司將是優先投資的方向,至於營建、資產和部分傳產股,則應趁反彈減碼。


樓市拉警報 香港房地產經紀人事大凍結 或掀裁員潮

鉅亨網查淑妝‧台北綜合報導2008 / 07 / 24 星期四 09:15 寄給朋友 友善列印

踏入 7月份,香港樓市回軟,一、二手交投直線下挫,依靠佣金收入為主的地產代理生計受到大考驗,悄悄掀起了裁員潮。業內人士指出,由於預料今年第 3季樓市表現較差,會密切注意市況,不排除中小型房仲經紀商會有裁員現象。美聯、港置及利嘉閣均表示,現階段已凍結人事。 《香港文匯報》報導,由於樓市回軟,香港房仲業悄悄掀起了一股裁員和整頓風,香港最大地產代理中原地產近日向 700位於過去半年生意額未達最低標準的營業員發出警告信,即平均每人每月要爭取做到 6.8萬港元生意,提醒他們及其主管要關注,當中 100名員工更是未達最低指標,可能要被裁掉。
中原地產執行董事陳永傑昨(23)日強調,這只是公司一向的例行公事,因為今年上半年市況比較差,因而令發警告信的數目較多,但並非要掀起裁員潮。目前中原地產於香港共有約 240間分行,共僱用約3000名員工。
利嘉閣董事總經理廖偉強指出,公司每 1季都會向不達標同事發出警告信,實行「先禮後兵」,其公司最低指標為半年內平均每月要爭取到 1.5萬港元生意額,他坦言,7月市況為今年來最差,交投較上月下跌30%,目前會採用自然流失、汰弱留強的做法。
利嘉閣於 7月已裁減20名業績未能達最低指標的地產代理,不過,與2005年樓市上一個低潮期要即時裁走300人計,如今市況未算那麼壞。
他指出,過去 1年集團都審慎擴充,租金太高的分行都不會租用,人手增加約7%,加上今年上半年三大新盤,包括首都、御龍山及半山壹號促成的交易均比同行高,現時有足夠子彈應付逆市,上半年亦增開了3至5間分行。


世華財訊提供2008 / 07 / 24 星期四 11:58 寄給朋友 友善列印 雷曼兄弟發佈報告稱,中國樓市大幅降溫跡象非常普遍,預計房價還會進一步下降。 據每日經濟新聞7月24日報導,“中國樓市大幅降溫跡象非常普遍”,雷曼兄弟23日在報告中對目前樓市做出判斷,並預計房價還會進一步下降。
安信證券房地產業分析師李孔逸也表示,全國房地產市場降溫的趨勢是比較顯見的,房地產市場還在調整,不可能這麼快到底,因此還有下降的趨勢,預計這一輪調整至少將持續到年底,短期內看不到增長的跡象。 談到這一輪調整的原因,李孔逸認為,主要原因是房價前期漲幅過大,超出了市場的承受預期,因此出現調整是必然,而各地區調整幅度也會有差異。
(徐志嬌 編輯)

Singapore is 13th most expensive city

Posted on July 24, 2008 by lushhomeonline

It is also the 5th costliest in Asia for expats: Mercer survey
SINGAPORE is the world’s 13th most expensive city for expatriates, and the fifth most expensive in Asia.
According to Mercer’s Worldwide Cost of Living Survey 2008, Singapore ranks above Sydney (15th), New York (22nd) and Shanghai (24th).
Mercer’s survey, which covers 143 cities on six continents, measures the comparative cost of more than 200 items in each location, including housing, transport, food, clothing, household goods and entertainment.
For instance, a fast-food hamburger meal costs US$4.50 in Singapore, US$3.18 in Hong Kong and US$5.97 in Tokyo.
Mercer’s managing director (Asean) Su-Yen Wong said: ‘Singapore’s rise in the rankings is partly due to the appreciation of the Singapore dollar against the US dollar.’ At the same time, Singapore’s strength as a regional hub and its ‘high quality of living’ have attracted talent from overseas. ‘Consequently, this has increased demand for items such as housing, food and transport.’
Rents have increased significantly here. According to Mercer, a ‘luxury’ two-bedroom unfurnished apartment now costs US$3,539.77 a month, an increase of about 20 per cent from US$2,946.09 in 2007.
But ‘luxury’ rent here is lower than in Hong Kong at US$6,411.89 a month and Tokyo at US$5,128.84.
On the upside, Singapore’s annual ranking has not increased as rapidly as before. Its 13th place this year is only a notch up from its 14th last year. In 2006 it ranked 17th - way up from 2005 when it was 34th.
In the latest survey, Moscow has been ranked the world’s most expensive city for expatriates - for a third straight year. London dropped one place to third.
Yvonne Traber, a principal and research manager at Mercer, said: ‘Although the traditionally expensive cities of Western Europe and Asia still feature in the Top 20, cities in Eastern Europe, Brazil and India are creeping up the list. Conversely, some locations such as Stockholm and New York now appear less costly by comparison.’
With New York as the base city at 100 points, Moscow scored 142.4 and is close to three times costlier than Asunción in Paraguay, the least expensive city with a score of 52.5.
Mercer noted that contrary to a trend last year, the gap between the world’s most and least expensive cities now seems to be widening.
In its report, it says: ‘Our research confirms the global trend in price increases for certain food items and petrol, though the rise is not consistent in all locations. This is partly balanced by decreasing prices for certain commodities, such as electronic and electrical goods. We attribute this to cheaper imports from developing countries, especially China, and to advances in technology.’
Source : Business Times - 24 Jul 2008

Thousands throng showflats at Park Central@AMK

Posted on July 23, 2008 by lushhomeonline

Some 1,200 home hunters thronged showflats at Park Central@AMK on the first day of its launch on Wednesday.
Of these, 130 have already applied for the flats, which will be ready in 2011.
The project is Singapore’s third condominium-style public housing, and a queue to view the showflats started forming at 5am.
All 578 units at Park
Central@AMK come with fittings like built-in wardrobes, air-conditioners and parquet flooring.
The four 30-storey blocks will house four- and four-room units priced between S$433,000 and S$689,000 or about S$500 per square foot.
Real estate agents said the prices are comparable to those for resale public housing in the neighbourhood.
These are about S$400,000 for a four-room flat and up to S$550,000 for a five-room unit.
Despite a slight cooling off in the property sector, its developer expects a good take-up rate.

Jackson Yap, CEO, United Engineers Limited, said, “This is the mass market, the demand is always there. The interest rate in Singapore is still relatively low so to speak, and the other one is cash flow. If you do your sums right, the net cash flow for buying these units are not that high if you include your CPF contributions.”
Central@AMK is the third project under the Housing Board’s ‘Design, Build and Sell Scheme’, where the private sector is involved in the building and marketing of public housing.
While prices at Park
Central@AMK are nearly 10 per cent lower than the previous condo-style development - City View@Boon Keng - it is still too much for some, especially younger couples who have just joined the workforce.
Kevin Kwan said, “Maybe you have to forfeit your car, not get it so fast; and for daily expenses, you have to be more meticulous.”
Others are worried about falling value of their asset and tough times ahead.
Lean Guan Hock said, “Now due to the soaring oil prices, I think everybody must be very concerned.”
Even though many have put in an application for the flats, not all will end up buying one.
Some applicants said their final purchase decision will depend on how the global economy and the property market perform in the next few months.
Applications must be submitted by August 5, and sales will be done via a balloting system. - CNA/ms
Source : Channel NewsAsia - 23 Jul 2008

PropNex to fire non-performing agents this week

Posted on July 23, 2008 by lushhomeonline One of Singapore’s biggest real estate agencies, PropNex Realty, is firing more than one-third of its agents.
According to its CEO, the move is aimed at cleaning up the profession.
PropNex is firing those who have been with them for over a year, but have yet to submit a single transaction. About 2,800 agents currently on its list will be affected.
The agents were first given a choice to remain as PropNex agents by signing up for Professional Indemnity Insurance as well as a refresher course.
This group is seen as the riskiest for consumers as they may not be as updated on industry changes. There is also the possibility that this group may not be declaring their transactions, which poses a problem when consumers consult the agencies and find that there are no records of the deal.
Said Mohamed Ismail, CEO of Propex Realty: “Consumers are not protected in terms of professional standards provided by agent. There’s a lot of concern and a call for industry to be regulated. This did not happen in the last couple of years, so now the initiative should be for big players to self-regulate and move forward.”
A lack of direct and stiff regulation for housing agents has allowed the existence of what some industry players call “cowboy” agents who profit by flouting rules, and leaving customers and their agencies to deal with lapses.
So industry players said it is time the agencies do something about it.
“It would be forward-looking for any agency (to) ensure that their agents are properly trained, … professional, ethical and exercise some kind of control,” said Low Swee Kim, Vice President at the Institute of Estate Agents.
The industry first tried to regulate agents with a qualification exam called the Common Examination for House Agents. But since it was not mandatory, it did not have the desired impact of setting a minimun standard for housing agents.
Currently, only a multiple choice exam is required.
The Institute of Estate Agents (IEA) has also been pushing for second tier licensing, but to no avail. Currently, only agencies are licensed.
A housing agent database pioneered by the IEA has also fallen short so far, because not all real estate agents have opted in.
Industry players compare this situation to that of the insurance industry, where agents are guided by tough regulations by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
It is estimated that only one third of real estate agents are properly qualified.
“There’s no educational barrier to entry, so anyone can join the industry. Typically, training is only provided if the agent joins a relatively big company where there is some structure in place,” said Eugene Lim, Associate Director of ERA Asia Pacific.
As a major realty agency, ERA said it has training systems in place for its agents.
PropNex’s CEO said this is just the start of an entire overhaul.
Said Ismail: “At the moment, PropNex is at the drawing board working out some policies and programme. If the authorities are not prepared to regulate the industry, some of the big players (like) ourselves, we would like to self-regulate. We have to just move and take the lead role to make a difference. And doing that, I think (others) will follow.
“We are in the planning stage and (soon),… we should be able to reveal some of our new policies and procedures that will put a check on all our agents, in terms of their conduct and responsibility.”
PropNex is also looking at creating avenues to give redress to consumers who have problems with their agents. - CNA /ls
Source : Channel NewsAsia - 23 Jul 2008

PropNex to fire non-performing agents this week

Posted on July 23, 2008 by lushhomeonline
One of Singapore’s biggest real estate agencies, PropNex Realty, is firing more than one-third of its agents.

According to its CEO, the move is aimed at cleaning up the profession.

PropNex is firing those who have been with them for over a year, but have yet to submit a single transaction. About 2,800 agents currently on its list will be affected.

The agents were first given a choice to remain as PropNex agents by signing up for Professional Indemnity Insurance as well as a refresher course.

This group is seen as the riskiest for consumers as they may not be as updated on industry changes. There is also the possibility that this group may not be declaring their transactions, which poses a problem when consumers consult the agencies and find that there are no records of the deal.

Said Mohamed Ismail, CEO of Propex Realty: “Consumers are not protected in terms of professional standards provided by agent. There’s a lot of concern and a call for industry to be regulated. This did not happen in the last couple of years, so now the initiative should be for big players to self-regulate and move forward.”

A lack of direct and stiff regulation for housing agents has allowed the existence of what some industry players call “cowboy” agents who profit by flouting rules, and leaving customers and their agencies to deal with lapses.

So industry players said it is time the agencies do something about it.

“It would be forward-looking for any agency (to) ensure that their agents are properly trained, … professional, ethical and exercise some kind of control,” said Low Swee Kim, Vice President at the Institute of Estate Agents.

The industry first tried to regulate agents with a qualification exam called the Common Examination for House Agents. But since it was not mandatory, it did not have the desired impact of setting a minimun standard for housing agents.

Currently, only a multiple choice exam is required.

The Institute of Estate Agents (IEA) has also been pushing for second tier licensing, but to no avail. Currently, only agencies are licensed.

A housing agent database pioneered by the IEA has also fallen short so far, because not all real estate agents have opted in.

Industry players compare this situation to that of the insurance industry, where agents are guided by tough regulations by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

It is estimated that only one third of real estate agents are properly qualified.

“There’s no educational barrier to entry, so anyone can join the industry. Typically, training is only provided if the agent joins a relatively big company where there is some structure in place,” said Eugene Lim, Associate Director of ERA Asia Pacific.

As a major realty agency, ERA said it has training systems in place for its agents.

PropNex’s CEO said this is just the start of an entire overhaul.

Said Ismail: “At the moment, PropNex is at the drawing board working out some policies and programme. If the authorities are not prepared to regulate the industry, some of the big players (like) ourselves, we would like to self-regulate. We have to just move and take the lead role to make a difference. And doing that, I think (others) will follow.

“We are in the planning stage and (soon),… we should be able to reveal some of our new policies and procedures that will put a check on all our agents, in terms of their conduct and responsibility.”

PropNex is also looking at creating avenues to give redress to consumers who have problems with their agents. - CNA /ls

Source : Channel NewsAsia - 23 Jul 2008

武吉知马一地段再集体求售 价格比去年低四成

(2008-07-24) ● 龚慧婷  集体出售热开始“冷却”,业主也慢慢降低对价格的要求。
  这回推出的是罗彬通道(Robin Drive)1号和罗彬阁(Robin Court),前者是独立式洋房,后者是拥有15个单位的无电梯低层公寓(walk-up apartment)。
  负责销售项目的齐乐行(Credo)执行董事杨春华指出,罗彬阁在去年10月的集体出售法令修改前,就已得到80%的业主同意出售,然而,有鉴于目前房地产的市场情绪谨慎,业主已变得比较实际,开始签署降低保留价(reserve price)的集体出售协议。
在上个月初,四幅曾在去年10月推出集体求售的地段再度登场,但业主的要价已平均下滑了30至40%。这四幅地段分别是实里达花园(Seletar Garden)、嘉文纳大厦(Cavenagh Gardens)、诺维那山(Novena Hill)和芽笼的Hong Thye House。  杨春华指出,集体出售的市场淡静,发展商虽然还在买地,但比较倾向于买“官地”,因为交易比较快。市场人士大多数还保持着观望、等待的态度。
  然而,尽管市场淡静,现由周玉琴掌舵的海峡商行,依然选择在这个时候,推出花拉路的雅乐居(Gallop Gables)其中两栋已有十多年屋龄的建筑,测试市场的“温度”。

等待购屋 宏茂桥私人组屋 3000人参观示范单位 首两小时130人登记抽签选购

(2008-07-24) ● 吴汉钧邓智炜(摄)
  将建在宏茂桥52街的Park Central是建屋局第三个交由私人发展商设计、兴建和销售的组屋项目。联合工程(United Engineers)是发展商。
  Park Central昨天上午10时发售,但由于不是周末,人潮不比文庆路私人组屋City
View@Boon Keng发售日的多。不过,它在发售后两个小时吸引1200人参观,其中130人登记抽签选购。到了傍晚6时,参观者已有3000人。但发展商因登记系统故障无法提供最新人数资料。
话虽如此,连源福还是登记了名字,希望能被抽中以选购一个单位。  新跃大学学生关自强希望能买一间组屋,以和女友结婚。他说:“这里靠近我父母,又是已完全发展组屋区,各种设施都很方便,地点非常有吸引力。问题是价格相当高,要五六十万。不过,这是一种新的居住环境,设计很像公寓。”
  Park Central的订购登记下月5日截止,示范单位每天上午10时开放至傍晚6时,公众可拨64518002了解详情。

连续三个月维持在26年来最高水平 6月通胀率仍居高不下

(2008-07-24) ● 胡渊文  我国6月份的通货膨胀率依然是7.5%,已连续三个月维持在26年来的最高水平,不过这低于经济师的预测。

  汇丰银行的经济师万德斯福德(Robert Prior-Wandesforde)指出,6月份的通胀率并没有如预期的高,主要是因为交通和通讯的通胀率从5月份的6%下降到5.1%,这从一定程度上反映了汽油价下跌的初期影响,更大程度上是因为拥车证(COE)价格的下滑。
 金融管理局在5月调高对我国今年全年通胀率的预测,认为全年通胀率料将介于5%至6%。万德斯福德认为这个预测面临着巨大的威胁,预计全年通胀率会达到6.5%。  金管局副董事经理许和意前天说,金管局将检讨对全年通胀的预测。金管局将于今天上午举行年报发布会。

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

紐約匯市─美財長Paulson發表演說 美元匯價創兩周最大升幅

2008 / 07 / 23 星期三 05:48 寄給朋友 友善列印
美國財長Henry Paulson今天發表演說,且費城聯邦準備銀行總裁表示央行應調升利率,受此激勵,美元兌歐元匯價創逾兩周最大升幅。




墨國披索匯價一度揚升0.7%至1美元兌10.0568披索,創2002年10月以來最高價位。Citigroup Inc.分析師預估,墨西哥央行在8月會議將升息1碼,讓基準利率升至8.25%。


由於市場擔心Fannie Mae(FNM-US)與Freddie Mac(FRE-US)恐怕會倒閉,導致美元匯價在本月觸及歷史新低。

FOREX.com首席貨幣策略師Brian Dolan指出:「他的一席話,減緩了市場對『二房』的憂慮。」

Charles Plosser今天在賓州King of Prussia(普魯士大帝)發表演說,強調美國央行升息,「宜早不宜遲」。


ING Financial Markets LLC主管Matthew Kassel表示:「Plosser的強硬談話促使國庫券殖利率走高,並激勵美元匯價走堅。」

CBOT 期貨交易行情顯示,美國聯準會(Fed)9月至少升息1碼的機率達49%,昨天僅為41%。



2008 / 07 / 23 星期三 02:46 寄給朋友 友善列印



鮑爾森補充道,在提供融資予潛在客戶的問題上,Fannie Mae與Freddie Mac所扮演的角色極為吃重。



UK home prices fall for first time since 2002

Posted on July 23, 2008 by lushhomeonline

UK house prices dropped this month from a year earlier for the first time since Rightmove plc started measuring them in 2002, as the squeeze on lending pushed up the number of unsold properties to a record.

The average asking price for a home fell an annual 2 per cent to £235,219 (S$634,000), Britain’s most-used property website said in a statement yesterday. On the month, prices declined 1.8 per cent, the biggest drop since December. Prices increased in London by 0.3 per cent from last month.

House prices will fall about 10 per cent this year and 6 per cent in 2009, the Ernst & Young ITEM Club, a forecasting group which uses the same model as the Treasury, said yesterday.

Britons, laden with a record £1.4 trillion of debt, are struggling to afford homes as banks curb lending and credit costs increase.

‘Banks need to be careful they do not get blamed for a second crash in 20 years’ by limiting loans, Miles Shipside, commercial director of Rightmove, said in the statement. ‘The ‘doom and gloom’ attitude should be about the drastically low levels of sales, which affect the wider economy.’

House prices may fall further by as much as 30 per cent and unemployment will increase as the UK slips into a recession, Bank of England policymaker David Blanchflower said in an interview published in The Guardian yesterday. The economy may already be contracting, the newspaper cited him as saying.

The pound fell against the US dollar after Rightmove’s report and Mr Blanchflower’s comments.

The stock of unsold property per real estate agent rose for a sixth month to 77, the highest ever measured by Rightmove, from 74 last month. Prices for properties in the West Midlands fell the most on the month, declining 3.7 per cent. London was the only region to show an increase in prices, the report showed.

Property sales dropped to the lowest in at least 30 years, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) said last Tuesday.

The ITEM Club forecast yesterday that housing transactions would drop 35 per cent this year.

Demand for commercial property dropped in the second quarter to the lowest in at least a decade, RICS said yesterday. Fifty per cent more surveyors reported a drop in demand than those reporting an increase, the report showed.

Mortgage approvals fell to their lowest level in at least nine years in May, the Bank of England said on June 30. Banks are curbing lending following the collapse of the US sub-prime mortgage market, which so far has cost financial institutions worldwide US$423 billion in losses and writedowns.

HBOS plc, the UK’s biggest mortgage lender, said last week that house prices, which tripled in the past decade, dropped last month from a year earlier by the most since 1992. Bank of England policymaker Andrew Sentance said in an interview last week that there is ‘clearly a risk’ that house prices will fall further.

Consumer price increases and the worst housing market slump since the last recession have eroded living standards and helped push the support for Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s ruling Labour Party close to the lowest level since World War II.

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee has kept the benchmark interest rate unchanged at 5 per cent for the past three months as it tries to curb consumer spending, while keeping the economy from falling into a recession. Inflation accelerated to 3.8 per cent last month, the fastest pace in 11 years.

The economy will grow 1.5 per cent this year and then one per cent in 2009, the weakest pace since 1992, the ITEM Club said in a statement yesterday. The group predicted that slowing expansion will allow the Bank of England to cut the benchmark interest rate to 4 per cent by the end of 2009. - Bloomberg

Source : Business Times - 22 Jul 2008

Govt to delay additional S$1.7b worth of public sector projects

The government has decided to postpone an additional S$1.7 billion worth of public sector projects to further ease pressure on construction resources in Singapore.

The government had earlier announced that it would postpone about S$3 billion worth of public sector projects to after 2009.

With the latest decision, the government is deferring a total of about S$4.7 billion worth of public sector construction projects to 2010 and beyond.

The construction of the main building of the proposed Jurong General Hospital will be deferred to 2010, although the hospital will still be completed and open as scheduled by 2015.

Other deferred projects include less urgent improvement works which will not compromise Singapore’s strategic and social needs. Public housing building and upgrading programmes are not affected.

“The additional deferment will allow the existing construction capacity and resources to be channelled towards the timely delivery of some big projects such as the integrated resorts, Marina Business Financial Centre and the Downtown MRT Line,” said a Building and Construction Authority (BCA) statement.

Source : Channel NewsAsia - 22 Jul 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


2008 / 07 / 22 星期二 17:39 寄給朋友 友善列印




(徐志嬌 編輯)


2008 / 07 / 22 星期二 18:00 寄給朋友 友善列印




就在 “萬科中林苑”總價下調之際,上海商品住宅的成交均價卻在上揚。昨日,佑威房地產研究中心的資料顯示,上周上海商品住宅的成交量略微回升了3%,為15.39萬平方米,平均成交價格在市區高檔樓盤成交的帶動下回升了10%,為14164元/平方米。

与次贷危机共存 胡舒立

  总第216期 出版日期:2008-07-21 共有 14 条点评

  美国经济再呈水深火热之势。  从6月第二周雷曼兄弟公司股价雪崩,到两家联邦房贷机构房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac)突现危机,直至总资产逾320亿美元的房贷银行IndyMac被接管,引发洛杉矶地区多年来仅见的挤兑风潮,可谓危机频频,报警声急,足使华尔街信心加速下滑。  美国政府采取了一反常态的干预措施:美联储对房利美与房地美开放贴现窗口,财政部注资进入讨论范围;美国证券交易委员会(SEC)7月15日宣布,将采取30天紧急行动,遏制针对部分大型金融企业的“不当做空”。然而,没有迹象表明这些措施可能改变既定颓势,市场法则仍在发生作用(参见本期“美国房贷救‘美’风波”)。  “天塌了!”——美国媒体大字标题。就在SEC作出决定的当日,美国所有主流报纸均在头版以接近整版的篇幅报道经济和金融动荡,承认“现在已经非常清楚,这不是普通的经济危机,不会在近期结束”。  新公布的经济数据,冷酷地强化了市场的危机感。数据显示,美国的通货膨胀指数在过去的一个月内上升了1.1%,为1982年以来的最大升幅;而较之去年同期升幅达5%,为1991年来的最高值。美联储主席伯南克为之惊呼:“美国的通胀太高了!”与高通胀相伴随,消费意愿下降。美国6月的零售价格上升了1.8%,零售总额仅上升了0.1%,如果除去加油站的销售则为负的0.5%。  虽然美联储在此前发表的货币政策报告中,将对2008年GDP增幅预期由此前的0.3%至1.2%,大幅修正为1.0%至1.6%,但次贷危机重创实体经济已经是现实。正如伯南克近日在国会听证会上所说,当前美国经济仍然面临诸多困难,经济增长前景仍不确定,能源价格居高不下、信贷紧缩、房屋市场进一步萎缩,都增加了经济的下行风险,通胀的上行风险也进一步增加。  

对于中国人来说,此轮美国经济和金融危机的深化,格外值得关注和深思。  从去年7月算起,美国次贷危机持续已逾一年。因美国在世界经济中牵一发动全身的地位,因中国深度融入世界,且从金融投资到贸易往来均与美国有着极为密切的关系,中国对这场危机不再是单纯地隔岸观火,关注不可谓不甚,讨论不可谓不炽。然而,相当一部分人,包括分析人士和商业决策人士,长时间内简单地将之视为一场很快就会触底、冲击范围有限的短期危机,对其复杂性领悟不透,对其严重性和长期性估计不足。甚至在贝尔斯登被关闭引发华尔街深幅震荡之后,这种“短期论”、“有限论”识见仍然大有市场。  不应否认,除了不可避免的认识局限,一厢情愿的侥幸心理也是误解萌生的重要原因。侥幸乃判断经济形势之大忌。面对无情的现实,已经到了必须清醒的时候。当然,美国此次危机的走势如何、影响多大仍待观察,过度悲观和惊惶失措亦大可不必,但是,只要承认这是一场长期的、深层次、震荡广泛、触及实体的危机,而且承认中国不可能完全置身事外,独善其身,我们至少应当看到:  




Condo sales in S’pore hit by bad news from US

Posted on July 22, 2008 by lushhomeonline

THE bad news coming out of the United States last week took its toll on property sales in Singapore over the weekend.
Two newly released projects sold fewer than 20 units each, as homebuyers’ caution deepened after the collapse of US bank IndyMac and the forced rescue of mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
CapitaLand’s Wharf Residence in Tong Watt Road, which started taking bookings over the weekend, sold just over 10 units, sources said.
The 173-unit condominium off River Valley Road is priced between $1,500 per sq ft (psf) and $1,900 psf.
Unit sizes start at about 1,000 sq ft, so a two-bedroom unit costs $1.6 million to $1.7 million.
Meanwhile, Frasers Centrepoint sold about 19 of the 48 units it released at Woodsville 28 near Potong Pasir MRT station.
But the developer, which priced the units at an average of $880 psf, said it was ‘quite encouraged by the take-up rate’.
‘It was above our expectations, given the general sentiment in the market,’ said a spokesman.
Woodsville 28 has two- and three-bedroom units, starting from 829 sq ft, with an average two-bedder costing about $755,000.
Sales also continued at a snail’s pace at other condos that have recently been launched, despite reports of large crowds at showflats.
OLA Residences in Mountbatten Road has sold only about 10 of its 50 units since sales began three weeks ago.
‘There are a lot of walk-ins but offers from buyers are coming in too low,’ said a property agent. The freehold project is priced at about $1,200 psf on average.
Two smaller projects, The
Scenic@Braddell in Braddell Road and Jubilee Residence in Pasir Panjang, have sold about 10 units each in the last few weekends, putting them at the halfway mark in sales. The Scenic is priced at $820 psf to $850 psf, while Jubilee is going for $900 psf.
Cheaper projects are seeing better sales. Buyers have picked up more than 60 of the 212 units at Beacon Heights in St Michael’s Road for an average price of $800 psf, agents said. The 999-year leasehold condo developed by Kim Eng Securities started sales two weekends ago.
‘Buyers are still waiting to see if prices go down further, and this will continue until the US situation stabilises,’ said Mr Ku Swee Yong, director of marketing and business development at property firm Savills Singapore.
‘There are definitely buyers with enough money to buy new properties, but they are doing their homework these days.’
Source : Straits Times - 22 Jul 2008

Johor’s Horizon Hills attracts foreign buyers

Posted on July 22, 2008 by lushhomeonline
WITH a golf course set within a residential township, the resort-style Horizon Hills in South Johor is attracting considerable overseas interest - more than 60 per cent of buyers in launched precincts are foreigners.
Here in town yesterday to promote the project, Malaysian developer Gamuda Land also noted that Singaporeans make up more than half of the foreign buyers. The rest come from countries as far as Sri Lanka, the United Kingdom, South Africa, the US, Japan and India.
Horizon Hills is located in Nusajaya, a flagship zone within South Johor’s Iskandar Malaysia, which is slated to become southern peninsular Malaysia’s economic corridor. Spanning 1,200 acres, the township comprises 13 precincts with bungalows, semi-detached, cluster and terrace homes.
Two precincts - The Gateway and The Golf - were launched last year. Ninety per cent of The Gateway’s more than 400 residential units were taken up.
A 200-acre 18-hole designer golf course and a club house are also integral parts of Horizon Hills. Costing RM30 million (S$12.5 million) and RM50 million respectively, the golf course and club house were completed this month.
Bungalows with golf course frontage went for RM2 million on average, while semi-detached units cost around RM900,000.
‘The homes in Horizon Hills are very affordable,’ said Gamuda Land’s managing director Chow Chee Wah. ‘The resort lifestyle and investment value which Horizon Hills offer have attracted the attention of foreigners who are working in Johor Baru and Singapore.’
Home prices in Horizon Hill have risen by about 15-20 per cent in the last one and a half years, Mr Chow pointed out. The uptrend is likely to continue as construction costs in Malaysia increase. Costs have swelled by some 35 per cent in Malaysia in the past year, he said.
Managing director of Savills Singapore Michael Ng also expected to see land prices in the area rise due to development and growing foreign investment in Iskandar Malaysia. Savills Singapore is the marketing agent for Horizon Hills in the region.
Source : Straits Times - 22 Jul 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

上海推“頂級”住宅用地 樓板價格達到2.2萬元/平方米。

來源:東方早報2008 / 07 / 21 星期一 17:13 寄給朋友 友善列印 樓市一片不平靜聲中,7月18日,西郊賓館旁一幅1.36萬平方米的土地被上海房地局推向公開市場。由於土地出讓保證金高達3000萬元,預計這幅低密度住宅土地拍賣起價接近3億元,樓板價格達到2.2萬元/平方米。不管未來出讓結果如何,其起始價已經成為近年來上海土地出讓過程中住宅用地單價之最。 距上一幅住宅用地推出不到一個星期,18日上海房地局再推地,15號公告繼續只推出一幅非工業用地,即位于長寧區新涇鎮240街坊地塊,土地面積1.36萬平方米,容積率不大於1。長寧地區一向賣地寥寥,住宅用地更是數年都不見蹤影,此地塊一經推出,一鳴驚人。

海峡时报指数(STI) 080721

● 银


財匯資訊提供,摘自:上海證券報2008 / 07 / 21 星期一 09:55 寄給朋友 友善列印 英國廣播公司當地時間19日援引美國花旗集團董事長溫·比朔夫的話說,英國和美國的房價今明兩年可能還要持續下跌。   比朔夫說,他預計住房市場實現穩定需要兩年,信貸緊縮可能持續到2009年,並且明年將是相當困難的一年。

Park Central development: Condo-like flats for less than $700,000

Posted on July 19, 2008 by lushhomeonline

Four 30-storey blocks under the design, build and sell scheme for Ang Mo Kio
SINGAPORE’S third condo-style public housing project is about to go on sale, this time in the heart of bustling Ang Mo Kio.
The project is located at Ang Mo Kio Street 52, which is flanked by Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3 and Avenue 5 and within walking distance of the Ang Mo Kio MRT station.
LIVING IN STYLE: The Park Central development will boast amenities like barbecue pits and jogging path on the roof-top garden above the carpark. — ARTIST’S IMPRESSION: COURTESY OF UNITED ENGINEERS
The prices for Park Central @AMK are about 10 per cent below the last such project, City
View@Boon Keng, launched early this year. Sales there were slow amid some concerns that prices were too high.
Developer United Engineers (UE), through its unit Greatearth Developments, is launching the 578-unit Park Central project for sale on Wednesday (July 23).
It aims to take advantage of the small window before the Hungry Ghost month starts in early August when some home hunters are wary of buying.
The project, comprising four 30-storey towers, will feature only four- and five-room flats. The average price will be about $490 to $500 per sq ft, with the four-room units going for about $400,000 to $500,000. The five-room units will cost about $600,000 to $670,000.
Park Central also has 20 ‘loft units’, which have higher ceilings of 3.6m, compared with the typical flat height of 2.6m. They will cost $580,000 to just below $700,000.
These high-end HDB flats will boast condo-style fittings such as built-in wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, air-conditioning systems, timber flooring and planter boxes.
The developer will also put in barbecue pits and a 400m jogging path on the roof-top garden above the carpark, allowing for more privacy, though these are public areas.
PropNex chief executive Mohamed Ismail expects strong demand as the prices are very fair, particularly considering the significant run-up in construction costs, he said.
UE chief executive Jackson Yap said he priced the units slightly above resale flat prices. He is optimistic as resale prices are still rising.
UE won the Park Central site in a tender last November at $212 per sq ft of potential gross floor area. It is the third project under under the Housing Board’s Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS).
In such projects, private developers set the price of the flats but are bound by general public housing rules. For instance, they can sell their flats only to households earning not more than $8,000 a month.
Because of this restriction, the project’s price seems a little high, said Chesterton International’s head of research and consultancy, Mr Colin Tan. ‘But the interest will be strong as Ang Mo Kio is one of Singapore’s largest housing estates.
‘People tend to buy in areas they know or have lived in. With a little clever marketing, enough people may be persuaded to really stretch themselves and part with their hard-earned money.’
The first DBSS project, The
Premiere@Tampines, met with an overwhelming response when it was launched at the end of 2006. But demand at City View@Boon Keng, which was priced over 50 per cent more than The Premiere, was slower. Some buyers felt the prices - the five-room units cost $536,000 to $727,000 - were too high.
The fourth DBSS project, in Bishan, could come to market at the end of the year.
Source : Straits Times - 19 Jul 2008

UE’s Park Central @ AMK to sell for $490-500 psf

Posted on July 19, 2008 by lushhomeonline

It has ‘condo-style’ fittings and finishes, & expects a sell-out
UNITED Engineers (UE) has priced its Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) project Park Central @ AMK at an appealing $490-$500 psf - in an apparent bid to move units fast.
UE acquired the Housing and Development Board site in November 2007 and based on the $212.40 per sq ft per plot ratio (psf ppr) it paid, property consultants estimated the launch price could be around $580 psf.
The actual price, revealed yesterday by UE, is lower than the reported average price of $520 psf for another DBSS project, City View @ Boon Keng, launched earlier this year.
UE did not comment on its pricing strategy but said Park Central @ AMK will comprise four 30-storey towers with a total of 578 four and five-room units.
With ‘condominium-style’ fittings and finishes, four-room units are not expected to cost more than $400,000, while five-room units will be under $600,000.
PropNex CEO Mohamed Ismail said the project is, ‘competitively priced’. ‘I am glad the developer has priced it sensitively.’
Mr Ismail said that when City View @ Boon Keng was launched there was, ’some resistance’ to the pricing.
Savills Singapore director (marketing and business development) Ku Swee Yong agrees that Central Park @ AMK is attractively priced. He believes UE could be looking at a slim profit margin, given a breakeven price of around $400 psf.
Increasing construction costs, which he estimates at between $200-$250 psf, could also weigh in.
Still, a sell-out development would be good for overall market sentiment, he said.
Comparing the pricing of Central Park @ AMK with the prices of HDB resale flats in the area, ERA Asia-Pacific assistant vice-president Eugene Lim said UE’s project looks like good value.
Mr Lim said that five-room flats in the area, which are at least five years old, are going for around $400,000.
That UE aims to sell Central Park @ AMK seems clear.
Still, the response from buyers is unlikely to reach the fever pitch experienced at the launch of the first DBSS development in late 2006. Then, almost 6,000 people applied for 616 units at Premiere @ Tampines. But those units were going for around $300 psf.
Source : Business Times - 19 Jul 2008

A-Reit: Q1 distributable income of $52m

Posted on July 19, 2008 by lushhomeonline
ASCENDAS Real Estate Investment Trust (A-Reit) yesterday reported net distributable income of $51.8 million for the first quarter ended June 30, 2008 - 15.9 per cent higher than for the corresponding period last year.
This follows a 19.6 per cent growth in gross revenue from the year-ago period to $92.5 million. The increase was due mainly to additional rental income from completed acquisitions and a development project.
The distribution per unit (DPU) for the quarter is 3.89 cents, up 15.4 per cent from the year-ago period. The DPU, to be paid out on Aug 27, represents an annualised yield of 7 per cent based on the closing price of $2.21 per A-Reit unit on June 30.
A-Reit had 86 properties with a total book value of around $4.5 billion as at June 30. Acquisitions in Q1 comprised 8 Loyang Way 1 for $25 million and 31 International Business Park for $246.8 million.
The portfolio’s overall occupancy rate stood at 98.6 per cent, against 97.2 per cent a year ago. For the business and science park and hi-tech industrial properties, renewal rates rose 63.9 per cent and 44.4 per cent respectively versus preceding contract rates.
This is due to ‘the continued healthy demand for quality suburban industrial and business space as well as the active leasing and investment activities conducted by the manager and its property management team’, said A-Reit manager Ascendas Funds Management (S)’s CEO and executive director Tan Ser Ping.
A-Reit’s weighted average borrowing cost for the portfolio was 3.16 per cent. To diversify funding sources, it recently took on a three-year committed revolving credit facility for $200 million, and is also incorporating a medium-term notes issuance facility.
Citing a CB Richard Ellis study, A-Reit said yesterday that rents and occupancy rates for hi-tech and business park space could continue to increase, but at a slower pace.
A-Reit also mentioned that it is difficult to gauge how much the Asian economy could be hit by the possible US recession and global inflationary pressure.
‘Despite the cautious outlook for the economy and barring any unforeseen events, the manager expects to be able to deliver, for the coming year, a DPU that is in line with its recent performance,’ A-Reit’s release stated.
The release also said that the A-Reit manager remains committed to pursuing quality and sustainable yield accretive investments, and expects results from asset management and investment strategies to underpin steady performance.
A-Reit’s units closed trading yesterday at $2.10, down one cent.
Source : Business Times - 19 Jul 2008

Big property stand-off

Posted on July 20, 2008 by lushhomeonline

Developers are not lowering their prices, and buyers are not biting
It is seven months into the year, and while new private home sales have picked up from the lows seen earlier in the year, sentiments remain weak.
More bad news emerged recently from the United States, sending stocks plunging. The same question remains on potential buyers’ minds: Is it time to buy?
Some developers started to launch mass- to mid-market projects last month, drawing the crowds back to showflats. These include huge ones such as the 616-unit Clover by the Park in Bishan, the 724-unit Livia in Pasir Ris and the 521-unit Kovan Residences next to Kovan MRT Station.
But while the crowds are back, few are biting. Most are very cautious when it comes to signing on the dotted line. ‘I visited showflats to get a feel of what’s available but prices seem high to me. If I buy now, I am afraid that prices will fall further,’ said a 32- year-old marketing manager.
Another potential buyer, who is 27, said he has decided to wait one to two more years after a recent futile search. Those new projects that he likes are beyond his reach.

Lowering prices
Singapore’s property market went up too much too quickly last year. Inevitably, there will be a correction or, as some market experts say, a possible reversal. Already, price growth has slowed to an estimated 0.4 per cent in the second quarter, down from 3.7 per cent in the first.
Private home prices rose 31.2 per cent last year, up from 10.2 per cent in 2006 and 3.9 per cent in 2005.
Mr Colin Tan, Chesterton International’s head of research and consultancy, said: ‘First, if you believe that there is such a thing called a property cycle, then the price decline is inevitable. The next question is: How deep will the decline be and how quickly will it reach the bottom?’

For now though, many developers are reluctant to lower prices.
Developers will wait a while before lowering prices,’ said DTZ’s executive director and regional head for consulting and research, Mrs Ong Choon Fah.
Said a seasoned market watcher: ‘Prices will fall. It’s a question of how much. The US is likely to be in recession and it will hurt the rest of the world.
‘Oil prices are rising. Inflation is a problem for Asia as it is unable to feed itself. This second half will tell you where things are going.’

Developers hold out
Market watchers say many developers do not want to lower prices since they are quite well-capitalised.
Some of them had sold units at the height of the boom last year, so they will try to hold on. Other developers say they have deep pockets and can hold.
Price supports cited by developers include high construction costs and a brighter long-term outlook.
Relatively low mortgage rates are also underpinning the market, said United Engineers chief executive Jackson Yap, who is launching a condo-like HDB project in Ang Mo Kio on Wednesday.
‘There will not be a widespread price drop but certain developers, the small ones or the non-traditional ones, may lower their prices,’ said the director of Savills Residential, Mr Ku Swee Yong.
Those that had launched earlier but have yet to get a contractor will be suffering, said the seasoned market watcher.
To hear developers put it, the lull is temporary as Asia remains very attractive to investors.
‘On the whole, people still believe in Asia,’ said Mrs Ong. ‘Singapore has reinvented itself and is very different from 10 years ago.’
What it lacks now is confidence as the market outlook is still uncertain, she added. The problem, some think, is once you start lowering prices, where does it end, said Mrs Ong. ‘Buyers may say that if you lower now, you may lower them again tomorrow.’
High-end prices have fallen nearly 10 per cent, according to Savills Singapore. Many say that if overall prices were to fall, the drop will likely not be steep.

How long will it last?
Some developers are hoping that the stand-off is short-lived as they quietly aim to launch their projects towards the end of the year. Some others are unsure and are prepared to ride out another quiet year or two.
‘If good news happens, such as a prolonged easing of oil prices, I am quite sure a property recovery will take place towards the year-end, albeit at a slower pace,’ said a developer who declined to be named.
‘But if nothing’s good in the market, I expect demand to remain sluggish and prices to ease further, especially the high-end ones.’
Well-located projects which are reasonably priced may be spared the poor demand, he said.
‘Singapore is unique compared to most countries in the sense that our property cycles tend to have a very wide turning radius, that is, they take a long time to turn unless there is a catastrophe such as Sars or 9/11,’ said Chesterton’s Mr Tan. ‘It is resisting any fall largely because long-term fundamentals are strong.
‘If there is no recession, I expect the stand-off to be a long one as prices have risen quite a bit. But incomes have not kept pace.’
Source : Sunday Times - 20 Jul 2008

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