Friday, March 20, 2009


Commodities prices surged yesterday as investors sought protection against the risk of higher inflation by buying everything from oil and gold to copper and sugar. 大宗商品价格昨日飙升,因投资者希望通过买入从石油、黄金到铜、糖等各类大宗商品,来抵御通胀走高的风险。 Plans by the Federal Reserve to buy $300bn of US government debt triggered the stampede into commodities markets, which had suffered sharp price falls on worries that the world was heading for a depression. For the first time in almost a year, traders looked to oil and other raw materials as a hedge against an unexpected jump in prices. 美联储(Fed)购买3000亿美元美国国债的计划,导致投资者纷纷涌入大宗商品市场。此前由于市场担心全球正走向经济萧条,大宗商品价格曾出现大幅下跌。这是近一年来交易员们首次寻求将石油和其它原材料作为对冲手段,以防范物价意外飙升。 The benchmark S&P GSCI index, a basket of raw materials, rose 6 per cent as oil prices soared to $51 a barrel, up 7 per cent on the day, to their highest level since December. Copper reached a four-month high. 追踪一篮子原材料价格的基准指数标准普尔高盛商品指数(S&P GSCI)上涨6%,因油价昨日飙升至每桶51美元,为去年12月以来的最高水平,当日涨幅达7%。铜价也升至4个月高点。 The switch into commodities was triggered by concern that the US central bank might find it difficult to manage down the country's money supply when its economy turned. That could lead to sharply rising prices for many goods and services. 投资者转向大宗商品的原因是,人们担心在美国经济回升之时,美联储可能会发现很难减少货币供应。这可能会导致很多商品和服务的价格出现大幅上涨。 Hussein Allidina, head of commodities research at Morgan Stanley in New York, said: “Investors are buying commodities as protection against inflation and as a hedge against a weaker US dollar.” 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)驻纽约大宗商品研究主管侯赛因•阿里迪纳(Hussein Allidina)表示:“投资者买入大宗商品是为了抵御通胀,并对冲美元走软的风险。” The price rises gained extra momentum from a weakening dollar. The US currency extended its fall against the euro to 4.5 per cent over the past two days, hitting a low of $1.37 per euro. 不断下跌的美元汇率也助长了大宗商品价格的涨势。过去两天,美元兑欧元汇率的跌幅扩大至4.5%,达到1欧元兑1.37美元的低点。 Gold rose to $960 a troy ounce, up 8 per cent since the Fed's announcement on Wednesday. 自美联储本周三发表声明以来,金价已上涨8%,至每盎司960美元。

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